
Funny? Or Creepy?

My husband and I go walking several mornings a week before he goes to work. We usually do the same loop. Some days we do the loop in reverse. Several times we’ve run into a neighbor—an older gentleman who is also out getting his exercise in the morning. After seeing him often enough, we introduced…

The Offer

Seraphine paused at the mouth of the gambling den on the pirate island of Tortuga. With her hands rested on two pistols in her belt, she sized up the room. No one she recognized. Perfect. Her first mate stood in front of her, one of two people who knew of her truth, knew her from…

July 4th Reflections

This is an edited transcript July 4th Reflections from my Dragonlight Press Presents podcast on Spotify. Yesterday was July 4. As the holiday approached, I was experiencing a lot of ambivalence about it. Sometimes even irritation at the disconnect between celebrating what we call Independence Day while at the same time, all over the country,…

First Contact

Dúl recognized his error the second he entered The Cache. When he learned that Merc was heading to the club, he pictured something Manhattanesque. Something Manhattanesque based on the last time he’d had to foray into that kind of human establishment. When had that been? The 90s? 80s? Whatever. Things were very different here and…

School Days

On the morning of my first day of human school, I faced the full-length mirror practicing shifting through different forms. I’d gotten better at controlling my shifts during the two years since I’d arrived in the Fringe. In the beginning, when I was in my girl body, they called me Mercy. When I was in…

Do Not Enter

A Bonus Companion Story to Umbra Do you prefer to listen? Check out the audio version at Dragonlight Press Presents on Spotify/ A changeling and a human walk into a bar… Sounds like the start of a bad joke, but nope it’s just a normal Saturday night in the Po-Town Fringe. The way they kept…